SEN Provision

From time to time, children at Highfield School may need additional support to help them learn and thrive. This may last for the duration of their time with us or it may just be for a short period. Either way, we pride ourselves on our commitment to ensuring all children that are part of our Highfield family, achieve the very best that they can. We do this through early identification of specific needs, clear communication with parents, and swift and appropriate support. We are relentless in our determination to support all children to succeed. 

Mrs Vic Wall is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and it is her job to champion our children and their families who have additional needs. There are many ways Mrs Wall fulfills this role and below is just a flavour of what happens.

  • Supporting children and their parents at multi-agency meetings.
  • Completing assessments and paperwork to secure additional support for children.
  • Providing training and resources to staff to ensure they have the very best in class provision for children with additional needs.
  • Offering every parent of a child with SEN with an appointment each term to discuss their child's needs and next steps. This is in addition to the usual learning review meetings with the class teacher.

If you are worried about your child's progress, then make sure you speak with your child's class teacher, myself (Ms Dowling) or Mrs Wall - we're always here to help.

You can find more information about SEND and services available in Cheshire West and Chester by following the link below:

Some other useful website are:

Cheshire Autism Practical Support | Autism Support

British Dyslexia Association (

ADHD Foundation

Supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities | NSPCC

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