Reception New Starters

*** We look forward to welcoming you all into Reception on Tuesday 3rd September, either in the morning or the afternoon. We hope you have all had a fabulous summer. If possible please could your child wear their PE kit on Tuesday 3rd September. Thank you***

Curriculum : By Year Group : Elm Class (EYFS)


We are delighted that your child will be starting full time school with us in September and we send a very warm welcome to all our new and existing families.

Here at Highfield, our aim is to make sure that you are included in your child's education, every step of the way, and we put your child at the heart of everything we do.  

I hope that you find this page useful. Please keep checking this page for new updates. These will be added below in the 'files to download' section over the next coming weeks. 



You all should have received a letter outlining information for Transition Days. Please may we remind you that a parents meeting will be held on Monday 1st July at 3:30pm. It is important that this meeting is attended. 

In order to help your child, prepare for school, the three Prime Areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (Personal, Social and Emotional, Communication and Language and Physical Development) underpin everything we do in Reception and will be our main focus throughout the year, but particularly during the first term. The document 'School Readiness' which we will send out to you, outlines ways in which you can support your child at home with the transition process. 

The following links also have some useful resources with regards to transition:


Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

In Reception we follow what is called a 'Narrative Immersion Curriculum.' Each term a wonderful, stimulating, exciting story is at the centre of our learning. We link each area of the Foundation Stage curriculum to the story and plan creative yet purposeful activities for the children. Of course, we build in the children's interests also to ensure that children develop and progress at a pace that is suitable for them. All children are on their own, individual learning journey and we value that journey.

Child Development - Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Osborne ...

Early Years is all about your child learning through play. Your child will spend most of their day in school accessing the continuous provision both indoors and outdoors. The areas within the classroom and outdoors will be set up by adults who have considered purposeful activities linked to the text, the children's interests and their next steps. The children will have access to these areas with support and guidance from teaching staff. During the day, children will take part in short, adult led activities. Although planned by an adult, these will be stimulating and creative activities, planned with the children's needs in mind. 


Sharing Your Child's Learning With You

Tapestry | Oakleigh School and The Early Years Intervention Centre

At Highfield, we use an online learning journal called 'Tapestry' to record your child's learning. This will allow you to see any observations, pictures and videos that we have made of your child in the learning environment. You will also be invited to add your own observations to your child's learning journal, as the year progresses. 

We look forward to welcoming you all to Highfield Community Primary School and working together as your child begins their exciting, learning journey at 'big school!' 


Files to Download

Blacon Point Rd, Blacon, Chester CH1 5LD

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