Our Governors
Welcome to our Governors' page
The aim of the Governing Body is to offer a critical friendship, strong leadership and challenge to Highfield Community Primary School.
Through our critical friendship we support staff in being able to give the children the very best of what school can offer.
We offer strong leadership to the school through approved policies, clear strategic direction and regular communications with the senior leadership team to ensure the whole school community are working towards the same core principles.
In addition to the support we offer, we also challenge when appropriate. We have high expectations of ourselves and the whole school community. We closely monitor pupil progress to ensure all pupils fulfil their potential and leave Highfield well-equipped for the opportunities that lay ahead of them.
We represent parental and community voices through our different experiences and interests. To help us fulfil our role effectively, we listen to pupil and parent voice. We value all feedback and encourage all parents and carers to take an active role in school life.
Through all these methods we can ensure we stay on track to provide the very best for the children of Highfield.
Core principles of Highfield Community Primary School
We provide an inclusive, happy and caring school in which we have high expectations for all.
We believe:
We are always accountable to the children and will always strive to meet their needs.
Together everyone achieves more.
If it works do more of it; if it doesn’t do something different.
A small change can make a big difference.
To always look for solutions to issues and remember the problem is the problem, not the person.
In looking positively to the future to help us move forward.
If you are interested in joining the Governing Body, please email your details to