Our Gallery
RNLI, by Miss Hogan
Science in Year 4, by Mrs Meehan
Year 3 visits from Chester Zoo, by Miss Hogan
Our new text is 'the dot.' , by Miss Martin
Hunting for minibeasts., by Mrs Coyne
Cooking in Year 4 , by Mrs Meehan
Jack and the Beanstalk in Reception., by Mrs Tynegate
Chester homework Year 3, by Miss Hogan
Cooking in Year 4, by Mrs Meehan
Lett's make pizza!, by Mrs Holden
Willow twig twisting, by Mrs Benton
Let's make noodle and sweet corn soup, by Mrs Holden
Chester Zoo visit - Native vs Non-Native, by Mrs Benton
Shadow puppets with Reception buddies / Science, by Mrs Benton
Visit from Chester Zoo , by Mrs Meehan
IPC - Significant People of the Past, by Miss Martin
Let's make Omelette Popovers, by Mrs Holden
PGL residential, by Mrs Meehan
Gymnastics with Year 4, by Mrs Meehan
Chester gladiators , by Mrs Meehan
Wear a hat , by Mrs Benton
Science week year 6, by Mrs Benton
Dyslexia Family Workshop, by Mrs Wall
Science week in year 4, by Mrs Meehan
Colour chaos science in Reception, by Mrs Tynegate