Year 6 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 6


Miss Chard, Miss MacSween and Mrs Gresty

Please remember to make sure you are signed up to Class Dojo to keep up to date with any messages and to see what we have been up to in school.


World Knowledge

The Spring term's context for learning is

Wildlife Connections: Let's Go: Magical Adventures Await!

Over the term, we will be learning about South America.

We will be investigating 3 main concepts:







Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel.png

This half term we will be studying the text, Hansel and Gretel

A visually stunning reimagining of the classic fairy tale Hansel and Gretel.

The enduring story of the children, the breadcrumb trail and the gingerbread house is brought to life by a master storyteller.

Coupled with breathtakingly haunting illustrations from Lorenzo Mattotti, you will be enticed into the world and into the woods . . . so beware.

 During this unit we will work on several key skills:

Click on any of the bullet points above to read more about each key skill.



For our class text, we will be reading Holes



Take a read of the synopsis written on Love Reading for Kids below:

Stanley Yelnat's family has a history of bad luck going back generations, so he is not too surprised when a miscarriage of justice sends him to Camp Green Lake Juvenile Detention Centre. Nor is he very surprised when he is told that his daily labour at the camp is to dig a hole, five foot wide by five foot deep, and report anything that he finds in that hole. The warden claims that it is character building, but this is a lie and Stanley must dig up the truth. In this wonderfully inventive, compelling novel that is both serious and funny, Louis Sachar has created a masterpiece that will leave all readers amazed and delighted by the author's narrative flair and brilliantly handled plot.


Over the coming weeks, we will be covering the following topics:


Addition and Subtraction

  • Solve multi-step problems in context 


  • Solve problems where answers need to be rounded
  • Use equivalences in fractions. Decimals and percentages


  • Properties of 2D and 3D shapes
  • Use a ruler to measure accurately within 1mm
  • Use a protractor to measure angles accurately within 1 degree

Multiplication and Division

  • Common factors of 2-digit numbers
  • Common multiples of numbers
  • Prime numbers 
  • Square and Cube numbers


  • Multiply numbers by 10,100,1000/ Multiply one-digit numbers by two decimal places
  • The effect of multiplying a decimal by 10,100 and 100
  • The effect of dividing a decimal by 10,100 and 100

Remember, you can also log onto Times Tables Rockstars at any time -  to keep up with your times tables fluency.



In Science this term, we will be studying 'Light'

We will explore how light travels in a stright line

Explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye.



We will have PE on a Monday this half term. Please make sure that you are wearing your PE kit on this day.




Weekly five reads signed in reading diaries and be in each Monday

Grammar homework will be set on a Monday to be in on the following Friday

Maths homework will be set on a Tuesday/Wednesday to be in for the following Tuesday/Wednesday

Spelling homework will be set on a Wednesday to be for the following Monday

PE day is Monday


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Year 6: Gallery items

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