Year 5 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 5
Mr Howarth, Mrs McFetridge and Miss Gregory.
AutumnTerm 2024
Our whole school Learning in Context theme is:
Wildlife Connections: Conservation in Action
Class Dojo is a great way for us to keep in touch with you. We post regular photos of the work we have been doing in school and share any messages that need to communicated with the whole class. There is also the option for you to upload things you've been doing at home. It's always great to see what you've been up to!
The Hunter by Paul Geraty
One day while playing hunters in the hot dry African bush, Jamina finds a baby elephant whimpering besides its dead mother.
As Jamina bravely helps the little orphaned elephant, she vows that she will never be a real hunter . . .
The key skills we will be focusing on are:
Develop and keep characters consistent through description
Develop settings through description and link this with the characters or plot
Use paragraphs to vary pace and emphasis
Re-telling of a series of events leading up to a high impact resolution.
Combine action, dialogue and description
Powerful, evocative language for settings and characters
Shared Reading
This half term, Year 5 will be reading the texts:
The moon (literacy shed)
Dragons roar into space (literacy shed)
One Giant Leap
In this half term, Year 5 are focusing on:
Place value:
Read, write, order and compare to 1,000,000 forwards/back in powers of 10 to 1,000,000
Counting in negative numbers
Solve practical problems with above
Addition and subtraction:
Whole numbers past 4 digits using formal written column methods
Add and subtract mentally with large numbers
Multiplication and Division
Find all factor pairs and common factors
Know and use vocab for prime, composite and prime factors.
Recall prime numbers to 19, identify prime to 100
Multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
Compare and order fractions
Equivalent fractions
Identify 3D shapes
from 2D representations
Estimate and compare acute,
obtuse and reflex angles
This half term in science, we will be focusing on the topic ‘Living Things and their Habitats’.
We will be looking at the differences in lifecycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird.
We will also be learning how to describe the different stages of a lifecycle.
World Knowledge
In Year 5, we will be focussing on developing our understanding of the Rainforests of the World
Year 5 PE is on a Friday afternoon.
All chidlren should come into school on this day in clothes and shoes that are suitable for PE (or their school PE kit).
In addition to this, we have speclalist sports coaching throughout the year. Keep an eye out on Class Dojo for updates.
Things to remember in Year 5:
P.E. Friday with Mr Coleclough
Homework set on Wednesday due for the following Monday
Spelling Test on Wednesday
Five reads a week with reading diaries due in on Monday.
Times Table Rockstar practise each week set alongside homework
Home read books are changed throughout the week
Monday reading diaries in for guided reading
Useful websites for Maths:
Useful websites for English:
BBC Spellits (Spelling games) (KS2)
BBC Bitesize (Spelling and grammar) (KS2)
Arcademic Skill Builders (Literacy and maths games) (KS1 & KS2)
Crickweb (Literacy and maths educational games) (KS2)
Kids Spell (Create your own spelling lists & games) (KS1 & KS2)
Fun Brain (Maths, reading and spelling games) (KS1 & KS2)
Learning Games for Kids (Spelling and word games) (KS1 & KS2) (Levelled spelling and vocabulary games) (KS1 & KS2) (Spelling rules, incl. vowels, blends, plurals etc) (KS1 & KS2)
ICT (Look, cover, check game) (KS1 & KS2)
The Times Spelling Bee (Listen to a word and spell it) (KS2) (14 day trial: £1) (Aimed at ESL students but includes useful spelling & vocabulary games) (KS2)
Spelling city (Vocabulary and spelling interactive activities, printable worksheets, games) (KS2)